Bus Driver Report
Each time someone drives a church vehicle you should require them to fill out a trip report. This helps them be more accountable for making sure the vehicle is taken care of, cleaned, and returned to its proper place. You can have a printed form that they fill out, or with everyone these days wanting to be tech savvy, you could have a form online that they could fill out. Click the online form below to see what a google form looks like. When they fill this form out the information is automatically saved into a spreadsheet in your google docs drive. As the form is filled out, it will automatically amend the document and add the new information. I will also include a printable form below that you can keep at your church office if you want to have people fill it out the “old-fashioned” way.
Click the image above to view our online form. Feel free to give it a try, fill it out, and submit.
If you like the online google form and need help setting one up than let us know and I can point you in the right direction for getting it done.